Saving and investing

Understanding saving and investing shapes our future financial futures and how we will live. Without this knowledge, we will miss out on opportunities and will not be able to achieve our financial goals.

Saving and investing book cover

About the book

'Saving and Investing' is a comprehensive, fundamental and easy-to-understand book, It provides what the author believes is the most complete and fundamental guide on this subject. It has had some great reviews; it was also a finalist in the 2005 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Awards. The fact that it has been written by an investment professional who has worked at a very high level in this field is also a noteworthy strength.

*The original edition of this book remains in print - it has more reviews but only contains illustrative market data up to 2010. This newer book is almost identical apart from minor edits, updated market data, and a lower price!
Book mockup showing the content page and introduction of saving and investing

What  will you learn about?

Much of the financial world is based on win-win structures that allow savers and other market participants to benefit at the same time. Understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial to understanding what is happening and what might happen next. These concepts are consistently used by people that have become rich and that stayed that way.

Savings growth through compounding
How debt grows through compounding (usually even faster)
Why money compounds
How users of capital like companies and governments interact with savers
Equity and debt
Stocks and bonds
Why financial markets are so important
Equity and bond markets and their indices
Mutual Funds/Unit Trusts
Hedge Funds
Real Estate including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
Other investment choices including commodities and art
The economy
Central banks
Economic cycles and how they can impact investments
Practical considerations such as time horizons, timing of investments, taxes, compounding, diversification and transactions costs

About the author

Michael Fischer

Michael Fischer spent nine years at Goldman Sachs prior to writing this book, advising some of the largest private banks, mutual fund companies and hedge funds in the world on investment choices. He started his finance career at Credit Suisse First Boston in early 1995.

During these ten years, he was frequently ranked as the top advisor by many of his clients and peers. He gave his opinion to managers of trillions of dollars of assets and came across hundreds of different investment styles and approaches; he has bought and sold billions of dollar of investments on behalf of his clients and himself.

Michael holds an MBA from INSEAD (Dec 1994) and an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Toronto (1989). He is a member of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA) and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

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The Saving and Investing quiz

Online quiz and workbook provided by Michael Fischer. Put your Saving and Investing knowledge to the test and see how much you know about the topics covered in the book.

What readers say about the book

“Having worked with Michael for a number of years, I know that his professional experience with a wide range of investment products and sophisticated investors gives him the expertise and credibility to offer clearly articulated value-added advice to the individual investor.”

Peter Mallinson
Principal, CDK Group; Former Partner, Goldman Sachs

“A great book that demystifies important financial concepts, written by someone who wants to share his Wall Street insights and knowledge with a broader audience that can realize concrete benefits from the straight-forward advice.”

Michael Mills
Executive Director, Morgan Stanley

“I have known Michael to work in the best interests of investors and savers for the last ten years. This work is no different.”

Alain Schibl
Founder and Co-CEO, Duet Asset Management

“A comprehensive yet easy to read look at how the financial world works and how to make smart decisions with your money. For everyone from students to CEOs”

Roger Metta
Managing Director, Union Bancaire Privee